Improve Your Smile By Caring For Your Gum Tissue

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If you want a strong and healthy smile, proper gum care is crucial. To help your gums stay healthy, our dentist and dental team encourage you to regularly perform the following steps for gum care:

– Brush your teeth twice every day, morning and night, for two minutes per session. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush so that you can properly clean your teeth and gums without causing harm or irritation. Brushing is a very effective way to remove harmful food and plaque particles that can lead to major oral issues such as gum disease.

– Floss your smile every day with an effective flossing product. Flossing removes particles of plaque and other damaging substances that accumulate between the teeth, which preserves the healthy condition of your gums. Remember to be gentle when flossing along the gum line.

– Rinse your smile daily using an antibacterial mouthwash to complete your oral cleaning routine and kill any bacteria that could lead to gum disease. Swish the mouth rinse for 30 to 60 seconds, following any additional instructions on the bottle.

– Visit the dentist for routine cleanings and exams at least every six months. These routine appointments are the only action that can completely clear your smile of plaque, protecting your gum tissues from gum disease.

For more information about proper gum care in Ferndale, Washington, please contact Patricia Conn, DDS at 360-384-5902 today to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Patricia Conn. We would be happy to thoroughly examine your gums and help you develop healthy gum care habits.

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